Rich Dad Poor Dad
So there is a book that teaches you something about money, unlike other coursebooks which only teach you probably about metrics, algebra or some basic English skill. But this book that I’m about to talk to you about is quietly insane, as it basically teaches you how you could control the expenses that have been going on years. Which are quite useless. Also understanding how investments are made & done. Although, at the starting, the author describes how he had been obsessed with the term ‘MONEY’, and how he got his way through it.
But when you basically go through pages, chapters & incidents that he would narrate you towards. You would be grateful that you happen to read this book. As the name itself describes ‘RICH DAD POOR DAD’, the title itself indicates what the book must be about. Well, it’s basically about perspective like how one decides on being rich & others don’t. Going through various perspective about life and also understanding how money works, the author basically takes you through various skills that he acquired in this short span of time.
Well, basically various key things are been taught in this book. If you have read it that’s good for you, but if you haven’t then you must read it, much of financial literacy is required. To get your money up in life, Come on everyone wants money. Only dumb people don’t like money but speaking generally everyone individual loves money. And reading this book probably makes it possible for people like you & me to make some money. Also, have knowledge about how money works in this world.
My personal review on this book would be, it’s a must-read book for gaming up your financial literacy in the modern world. As it teaches you to game up your investment game, also teaches you who the real teachers are for you in the real world. Also makes you understand who the ‘Fake Teachers’ are as well.
Basically, the key points that you need to keep in your mind:
- You are what your thoughts are?
- Working for somebody is not a long-term goal.
- Building a business is not the final stage in life.
- The rich don’t work for Money.
So, keeping all these points in mind would basically keep your game on the grind. Lastly, would like to suggest that while reading this book, make sure you’re taking notes. Just so it’s even after finishing the book you still have some points & information to work, learn on.
Rich Dad Poor Dad — Robert Kiyosaki.
(A must-read book by one of the Entrepreneurial, Influential, Businessman & An Author.)
Originally published at on September 2, 2020.